Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cars 2 : The Secret of Lightning's Trailer

Hi! Today I have another tall tale to tell.

Lightning came to see Mater and told him that he has a secret trailer.Lightning said, "Mater, don't tell anybody about it until tomorrow". At night everybody was sleeping and the bad guys came to Radiator Springs. They have a plan to destroy Lightning's secret trailer.Then,Grem said "Professor Z destroy the secret trailer" then Professor Z said " I don't have any missile".Then Acer said" I'll destroy it".Both of them said "No,I'll do it".No,no.. I'll do it.Professor Z said "I'll choose,Grem will destroy it"."Ok" said Grem.Boom!it was destroyed.The next day,Lightning said "and now I'll show you my secret trailer".Tuutt!the trailer door open a bit.Mater said "that one strange secret trailer".Lightning said "maybe I restart".Tuuutt!it open again.Lightning said,"there"...then suddenly it fall down,that did not suppose to happen.Mater tow it and put it back up."Maybe I'll try again" Lightning said..Boom!it exploded.Finn look in his mirror, he saw Acer and chased him and he crashed.Professor Z fall down and Finn chased him too and then he destroyed Grem with his gun.Then Guido fixed the trailer and he found a bomb.Lightning said "throw away before it explode" and then he throw away and it exploded.The end.

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