Sunday, December 15, 2013

It's My 10th Birthday!

Hi Guys,

My birthday is finally here, my 10th birthday! My birthday is on December 14 and the celebration started with..

Birthday breakfast.

My birthday cake.It's an ice cream cake.

Birthday boy with his birthday cake hehe..
Birthday present.
I forgot to take pictures of my birthday lunch because I was too hungry hehe..

Birthday dinner.

The celebration end with lunch at KFC the next day.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Holidays Activities

Hi guys,

I'm going to share with  you my school holiday activities.

Swimming at the beaches

Yikes! Crabs!!

Lets go catch some wave!

Did you notice something? hehe..
I will continue updating this post with other activities until the holidays is over.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Reviewing Club Penguin

Hi Guys,

This post is about my first video about Club Penguin. If you haven't play with it yet, you should try today. Click here to go to Club Penguin . So here's the video.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Me in Costumes

Hi Guys,
Sometimes I like to dress up in costumes. I dressed up as Batman for Children's Day at school on Nov 30th 2013 and I dressed up in Scottish traditional costume for the school's magazine.

Art Trading Cards

Hi Guys,

Here's my first set of Art Trading Card. In this set I used the images of Puffles. You can learn how to do this from my favourite site Art Projects For Kids .

Puffles Art Trading Cards

My Own Club Penguin EPF Spy phone and Elite Puffle

Hi Guys!

Today I'm going to show you my own Club Penguin EPF Spy phone and Elite Puffle. If you did not see my EPF Headquarters yet, scroll to my last post. Anyway, enjoy!

EPF Spy phone

Elite Puffles

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Own Club Penguin EPF Headquarters

Hi Guys,
I have been playing with the Club Penguin on the internet for 3 years now. Its and online game where you can create your own penguin and customized your penguin. You can also adopt your own Puffle. Some features required a payment membership. Ask your parents permission to play.

Today I'm going to show you my own EPF Headquarters in Club Penguin. First, I'm going to show you the main room.

The Main Room

Next is the Command Room.

The Command Room

I Hope Club Penguin will see this : )
Coming soon : Club Penguin ( Party Event ) Operation Puffle!

Teachers' Day Cards

Now that the school is over,I can start posting new stuff on my blog. I'm going to start with my cards for Teachers' Day for 2012. I forgot to take pictures of my gifts to my teachers this year hehe...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My Short Break

Hi Guys!
Its been a loooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggg
time since my last post.I am so sorry because I was busy with school.Today I'm going to show you the pictures I took in a hotel when I was in Miri,Sarawak.I wish I will own a hotel like this one day.

Pictures start now!

Sky Garden

Miri town

Swimming time!

Inside one of the hotel's restaurant.

Hahaha..sorry not a good sight, I messed the bed before I think of taking pictures.

?????? Really??

That's all guys,bye!